Library Card
in a digital wallet

Transform your patrons phones into physical library cards

Empower your members: Offer the convenience of a library card right in their iPhone digital wallets!
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eWallet Cards: Transform your library patrons phones into digital library cards

Digital Library Card

Digitize your library cards to offer patrons seamless access, hassle-free checkouts, and an eco-friendly alternative, enhancing user experience and library efficiency.

Personalize your cards

Utilize your library's specific information when creating the cards, incorporating colors, logos, and more for a truly personalized touch.

Always Secure

Each connection to eWalletCards servers is encrypted with 256bit TLS protocol, both for users creating cards and library patrons downloading them.

Go live in minutes

eWallet Cards offers a quick and easy setup process, with no coding or technical knowledge required. There's no need to speak with a representative – simply sign up and start offering your library patrons electornic library cards.


Try it FREE. Cancel anytime.


 $54.99 / month

  • Create electonic library cards in seconds
  • Use your logo, colors and library information
  • Invite patrons to create their cards
  • Create up to 40,000 cards
  • API available
  • Live detailed reporting
  • Online Customer support
Need more customizations?

  • Notify patrons when books are due
  • Send important library updates direclty to their phones
  • For any other ideas you might have... contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is eWallets Cards?

    eWallet Cards revolutionizes the traditional library experience by seamlessly integrating with modern technology to provide a convenient, eco-friendly solution for library patrons. Our innovative service empowers libraries to offer digital library cards directly to their patrons' smartphone wallets, eliminating the need for physical, plastic cards.

  • Creating and distributing digital library cards with eWallet Cards is a breeze, designed to cater to the diverse needs of libraries and their patrons. Our platform offers a flexible range of options to ensure that every library can effortlessly transition to digital:

    Self-Service Portal: Our intuitive online interface allows libraries to manually create digital cards with ease, providing immediate access to patrons.

    Bulk Upload: Save time and effort by uploading a file with multiple patrons' information, making mass distribution of digital library cards a simple, streamlined process.

    Patron Invitations: Engage your community by inviting patrons to create their own digital library cards through a secure, user-friendly process.

    Robust API Integration: For libraries looking for a more automated approach, our API seamlessly integrates with your existing library management system, enabling automatic digital card creation and distribution.

  • Absolutely. You have the ability to run live reports.

  • Easy. Just email as at and we will respond as soon as possible.